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Social media platforms capture the dynamic conversation of our university — that’s why it's important to remember that when you refer to Texas A&M, you are representing the Texas A&M brand. While these platforms are called "social" media and not "professional" media, be sure to use the correct university logos in your pages and messages to ensure a Texas A&M branded look.

If you are a university college, department or center, use the profile graphic below on your Facebook and Twitter pages to associate it with Texas A&M University.

Insert your organization’s name into the gray area, using the blue circle as a guide. Before saving your profile photo, remember to turn off the "Guide Circle" layer. If you do not have the brand fonts, please email for assistance in creating your profile photo.

Example profile picture template with A&M logo above unit name

Profile Picture Template

Insert your organization’s name into the gray area, using the blue circle as a guide. Before saving your profile photo, remember to turn off the "Guide Circle" layer.

Profile Picture Template Download (.psd)

Example social media image using template with A&M logo in corner

Social Media Image Template

The social media image template uses the correct proportions and logo placement for images created for Twitter and Facebook.

Social Media Image Template Download (.psd)


If you do not have the brand fonts, please email for assistance in creating your profile photo.